Public Service
" Hating people because of their colour is wrong. And it doesn’t matter which colour does the hating, it’s just plain wrong"

Guiding Light Leads was established on two principles: the high percentage of black persons in prisons across the country and the low representation of young black people in higher education.
It is well established that when students are not given equal opportunities while in education, their outcomes are largely affected, leading to entry level jobs over a lifetime or incarceration and a criminal record, which affects employment opportunities.
Our aim is to equip public services (schools and police) with practical skills to overcome racial disparity in education and the criminal justice system.
We empower you using in-depth, interactive and reflective programmes that get right to the heart of the matter.

Our programmes address historical misunderstandings between races with the ultimate goal of changing our concept of ‘the other’ and achieving a better understanding of self.
Only through open and honest conversations can we begin to regard each other as equal and therefore entitled to equal opportunities. So let’s start talking!